Support Services


Why choose Comsys as your IT Partner?

.. We can offer Maintenance Support Services 24/7


Your technology should be making it easier to get business done, not harder. Comsys Business Consultants can ensure you don’t have to worry about ongoing IT problems again with our expert Services.


Premium Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Our premium SLAs range from Standard Business hours to 24/7 support. Standard 4-hour onsite response to high availability 2-hour onsite hardware and software support services available throughout Australia.


We care about providing the best possible maintenance support services – not about which vendor their network is built upon. We can help consolidate your hardware warranties regardless of differing levels of support, vendors, or contract termination dates. We can be a single point of contact for all your hardware and software maintenance needs.


Cost effective

We can also offer extended support for legacy equipment and devices out of warranty, in and out of service life. We offer cost effective solutions that extend life of equipment, and offer our premium SLAs through our partners that will exceed your expectations.

100% Parts guarantee

When an outage occurs, you don’t have time to wait on parts to ship. We have built a partner network which includes spare parts that will be available for your equipment. We can customize your support services to meet your specific requirements in the time of need.

 Flexible monthly contracts

You are not locked into a single vendor with our support. We offer support services on hardware so you will not be locked into a 1-3-5 year contracts, with our monthly contract we can offer easy monthly billing. This allows for complete flexibility in your hardware's ecosystem if your not ready to upgrade IT infrastructure just yet.


Specialised field engineers

We have partnered with our leading support vendor to provide field service engineers that are manufacturer trained and certified across all our major technologies. This level of accreditation contributes to a comprehensive response in all situations and has unsurpassed a first-call resolution rate of 96%. 


No End-of-Service Life

Let us take control over your multi vendor contracts. Comsys can assist you to help maintain the hardware that still suits your business needs best – even if it is marked as end of service life (EOSL) by the OEM.


Supported brands Include

We provide support services through our partnership for a wide variety of vendors hardware and software. We are Vendor Agnostic, Product Brands include; APC, CISCO SYSTEMS, HP, DELL, FORTINET, EMC, LENOVO, SAMSUNG, MERAKI, NCOMPUTING, QUANTUM, PURE STORAGE, WATCHGUARD .. and more upon request.


Contact us for your Multi Vendor Managed Support & Maintenance proposal !
